About handling.dat
Tools: Notepad
Tools dedicated: Handling Editor
Tutorial author: FunGt
The handling.dat file is located in common\data folder and contains all the informations about the vehicles, such as mass, velocity, traction, suspension etc.
- (A) vehicle identifier: vehicle name.
- (B) fMass: vehicle weight (Kg).
- (C) fDragMult: ?.
- (D) nPercentSubmerged: how much the vehicle submerge (%).
- (E) CentreOfMass.x: center of mass on X axis (width) [-10 to 10].
- (F) CentreOfMass.y: center of mass on Y axis (length) [-10 to 10] (increase to incline the front).
- (G) CentreOfMass.z: center of mass on Z axis (height) [-10 to 10].
- (Tt) m_nDriveBias: traction [1.0 front; 0.0 rear; 0.5 4WD].
- (Tg) m_nDriveGears: numbers of gears.
- (Tf) m_fDriveForce: drive power
- (Ti) m_fDriveInertia: engine intertia.
- (Tv) m_fV: max speed.
- (Tb) m_fBrakeForce: brakes power.
- (Tbb) m_fBrakeBias: bias between front and rear brakes.
- (Ts) m_fSteeringLock: max steering angle (degrees).
- (Wc+) m_fTractionCurveMax: max traction while turning.
- (Wc-) m_fTractionCurveMin: min traction while turning.
- (Wc-) m_fTractionCurveLateral: lateral traction while turning.
- (Wc|) m_fTractionCurveLongitudinal: longitudinal traction while turning.
- (Ws+) m_fTractionSpringDeltaMax: ?
- (Wh) m_fTractionBias: bias between front and rear traction.
- (Sf) m_fSuspensionForce: suspension power (calculated with: 1/(force*number of wheels).
- (Scd) m_fSuspensionCompDamp: stiffens the dampening strength as speed increases. (quote. cerbera)
- (Srd) m_fSuspensionReboundDamp: suspension bounce.
- (Su) m_fSuspensionUpperLimit: distance from vehicle to floor.
- (Sl) m_fSuspensionLowerLimit: suspension height.
- (Sr) m_fSuspensionRaise: ?
- (Sb) m_fSuspensionBias: bias between front and rear suspension.
Damage and collision:
- (Dc) m_fCollisionDamageMult: how much damange the vehicle gets from collision.
- (Dw) m_fWeaponDamageMult: how much damange the vehicle gets from bullets.
- (Dd) m_fDeformationDamageMult: how much the vehicle deforms to collision.
- (De) m_fEngineDamageMult: how much damage the engine gets for collision.
- (Ms) m_fSeatOffsetDist: distance from door to seat.
- (Mv) m_nMonetaryValue: value ($).
- (Mmf) mFlags: model flags.
- (Mhf) hFlags: handling flags.
- (Ma) m_nAnimGroup: animation group.