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Passenger Mod
Description: Driver will go to waypoint by pressing space if a waypoint is set, press space again to drive faster and miss traffic lights, space again to slow down. If you change your waypoint during your route press space again to tell driver to change location. If you remove you waypoint during route driver will continue to just drive randomly, sometimes the driver may have issues leaving or reaching a waypoint so be carefull where you place them. The driver will also start to miss lights if you stay in vehicle after you have reached destination.

Drive By Mode added: press Delete Key to enable Drive By. When enabled your driver will become nervous and may start to speed up, when you start shooting the driver should then take off and your free to kill as much as you can before you get caught, die or just crash and get stuck. If you manage to get away you can press Delete again and the driver should slow down again and start to cruise.

E = Enter Vehicle/Switch Seats
Space = Drive to Waypoint slow/fast (if waypoint active)
Delete = Drive By On/Off
Q = Skip Radio Station (if in vehicle as passenger)

Note: you need to copy the Passenger.dll into scripts folder, not GTAV main folder! Be sure to have .NET scripthook installed too.
Video: (show/hide) https://youtu.be/k2JpRhpMS6U
Author: Rooft0p
Version: 1.5 Compatibility: Idk
Date Added: May 07, 2015 Last Download: Mar 09, 2025
Downloads: 1318 Rating:
(2 Votes) 
Tags: dll
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